Nateby Primary School


SEND Funding

At Nateby we endeavour to identify pupil’s SEND early. Support is routinely put in place for identified pupils. Our staff have the knowledge, understanding and skills to provide the right support but where this does not have the desired effect we liaise with other agencies promptly.

We have high aspirations for all our pupils and continually adapt our approach to learning and daily school life to meet their needs. We work in conjunction with the pupils themselves and their parents to ensure their opinions are included in our procedures and policies. 

Pupil Premium Grant

Nateby School always provide high quality interventions where needs are identified regardless of whether a pupil qualifies for Pupil Premium or not. We offer free clubs and reduced cost educational visits to pupils who receive PPG however this is not claimed in the majority of cases. Where this happens we use our limited PPG to support any learners in our school where there is an identified need. This support takes the form of small group interventions or 1:1 work and is given to supplement the work they do in class. Teaching Assistants are employed to work with identified groups in morning sessions and interventions in the afternoons. TAs also ensure reading is happening regularly and that reading material is monitored daily. We will continue to support all of our children in this way. At the moment we have interventions for maths; English- reading, writing, spelling and handwriting; self-esteem. We also support indiviual pupils on a 1:1 basis. 

Governors are kept fully informed of the progress of through termly Governors Standards & Effectiveness Meetings.


PE & School Sport Funding

Physical Education is a fundamental part of the Nateby Primary curriculum. We believe that sport- both competitive and non-competitive- is beneficial to all human beings. Sport brings about physical well-being and develops mental ability as well as physical dexterity. Children’s confidence is significantly increased when they enjoy sport; it is our ambition to help children to experience a vast variety of quality sport and that this will encourage them to make sport part of their lives. Sport can also break down cultural barriers – we want to seize every opportunity to use sport as a vehicle for broadening the horizons of our pupils.

Our sport and games  provision is organised to ensure all our pupils have the opportunity to be active as often as possible; that they progress and develop to a high level in sport in general and in their chosen field; that they learn to set their own goals but also understand and benefit from playing as a team.

We have been awarded Sainsburys’ Games Gold Mark for the last three years.


No employees at Nateby School earn over a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more.

This link will help you to find information regarding Nateby’s financing to other schools nationally: