Class 4
Welcome to our Class 4 page!
Class 4 is taught by Mrs Richardson everyday, except Thursday afternoons which is her preparation time. During this time, the class is taught by Mrs Culver who teaches the geography/history lessons.
Please see below our weekly timetable and year 6 curriculum map for the year.
World Book Day
Science – The Circulatory System
We were very lucky to be given the chance to use virtual reality headsets to delve into our new science topic – The Circulatory System. We spent a full afternoon learning all about the heart, completing fun activities as well as spending time on the VR headsets which allowed us to visualise the heart in real life.
National Poetry Day 2023
This year the theme set for National Poetry Day was ‘Refuge’. Using the novel we are using in our English lessons, Letters from the Lighthouse, the children all created their own blackout poem using random pages from the book, basing their poem around the theme of ‘Refuge’. Fantastic pieces of poetry were created and we discussed how blackout poetry is a form of ‘found’ poetry and what this means.