Welcome from the Chair of Governors
I am delighted, as Chair of Governors, to welcome you to our school website which I hope will provide you with both useful information and a flavour of our vibrant village school. As a governing body we are proud of our ‘outstanding’ school and work hard to support the Headteacher, teaching staff and pupils with the aim of ensuring that Nateby Primary School is the best that it can be. Under the leadership of our Headteacher, Mrs. C.Vardey, the school and its staff are committed to ensuring that all of our children reach their full potential in a safe, friendly, caring and fun environment.
Our team of Governors provide support to the school in a number of ways, using our experience from various backgrounds. We are here to act as a ‘critical friend’ to make sure that the school’s performance is evaluated and continuously improved, to provide the strategic direction for the school and to ensure legal obligations are met. Above all else, we are committed to the continued success of the school.
The governing body is made up of staff, parents, representatives of the community and Local Authority and we generally have one full Governing Body meeting per term. Each governor has specific responsibilities and is also a member of at least one of the sub-committees – ‘Finance, Staffing and Curriculum’ and ‘Buildings, Health and Safety’ which also meet once per term as a minimum.
If you would like further information on any school issues please feel free to contact the school office ( Or to contact me directly, for whatever reason, please complete the contact details below. Thank you.
Mark Barlow
Chair of Governors
Our Governors
All governors must declare any personal interests regarding any aspect of their school work and the governor’s meeting they are attending. For indication of any likely conflicts of interests within Nateby School Governors please see the annual governors’ information.
Our governing board is comprised of:
3 parent governors
1 local authority governor
1 staff governors
1 headteacher
5 co-opted governors
Nateby Primary School is at the centre of the Nateby community. The governors and all stakeholders aim to provide a full and diverse curriculum which excites and motivates all pupils. Each child is seen as an individual. We believe that it is the duty of the school to ensure that each individual’s needs are met both educationally and personally; that each individual should be supported in achieving their full potential and develop in to confident, responsible members of our society; that all pupils aspire to and are able to succeed in the modern, multi-cultural country they live in.
The governors aim to:
Act fairly and without prejudice.
Act in confidence in the best interests of the school, pupils and its employees.
To strive to provide all pupils with a challenging and interesting education which meets their learning and personal needs.
Hold the school to account ensuring all pupils are receiving the quality education they need and deserve.
Our community’s opinions matter to us:
Contact Us
If you would like to email our Chair of Governors please use the form below.
Who are the Governors of Nateby Primary School?
Parent Questionnaire Anonymous Responses
We use a questionnaire annually as another form of parents being able to give school feedback. We do like to act on any of the points made wherever] we find that we can do something to make a difference. We have been working on a messaging system for our Chair of Governors- Mr Barlow. We are pleased to now have this up and running- as above. We have also installed a “Report A Concern” button on our website landing page. If anyone feels they cannot discuss their issues with me then they can report them to Mr Barlow and the school governors. However, if possible in the first instance please discuss concerns with us- we would prefer to work through any issues than leave them unsaid.